Get the FREE 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing ebook. The Book has ruffled a few feathers in the network marketing business world and for very good reason.
Ann Sieg has compiled a short 35 page report aimed at the 95% of MLM'ers struggling to build their businesses. I must admit, as a seasoned network marketer, I was a little concerned with the title, The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing, because despite multi level marketing being a tough business to succeed in, I get defensive when people start slamming it.
Sure, network marketing has it's flaws but it's hard to argue with the fact it is still one of the best vehicles for many of us to create sustainable wealth, After reading the report I sat back and thought... "Ann, controversial headline but girl, you've just about hit the nail on the head!"
You can learn all the details about The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing and The Renegade Network Marketer at my website!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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